Saturday 3 September 2016

My life book dream

(by putting photos in I am hoping it helps you see the dream-like I have )

Last night's dream was very vivid. I was sat in a very long and narrow white room, a bit like a waiting room a bit like this.
When I looked up my friend Ariana  was there (FYI, not her real name it's her online name )
anyway she shows me a very long brown scrapbook and when I opened it, forgotten it was photos of my life
like was forgotten and things I missed and they were one side my muggle life and the other was Hogwarts life . and Ariana was talking to me but I could not grip on to what she was saying next thing I know she is on an old tv.

I try to tune into what she is saying  but can't the tv flickers and up pops my friend Mcchickie another online friend she stood there looking at me and she dressed like 
she is a big fan of Wicked and that's why I see her like this 
 she told me about how everyone who has passed is pleased with everything I'm am doing, I been worried about what my mum would be thinking about how life going for me at the moment. 
I look down at the book and there is a photo of my cat Bealie 

he on the other side too 4 years now, but he speaks to me with a Phil Mitchell voice. the guy from Eastenders. just in case you don't know what he sounds like (
 telling me all these things that he always wanted to let me know, like the fact he was glad when my hubby comes along, that night to my house for his dinner  (he was not my hubby at the time obviously) and thanks me for feeding him so well. 
It's at this point I woke up turned off the light and went back to sleep. 
I'm still in this room but I open a door to the right of me and inside it looks like this ( made in the sims 4 ).

 In this room on the wall are shields of things that I have done, but one is missing and there are lots of letters on tables and lots of gold and a set of blueprints. 
I turn to look away and stood next to me is Toby Turner ( he's in my dreams a lot ) his hand is outstretched to me.  
He smiles at me and says "If you could spend one year in perfect happiness but afterwards would remember nothing of the experience, would you spend a year that way?"
I look at him and say what? 
The tv flickers back on I turn my head to see who or what it is, this time,  It's the gov from  life on mars ( just in case you don't know what he looks like )

spoiler alert

 he plays like an angel that helps dead coppers move over to the next life  

  when I see him in my dreams I see him as a messenger or a guide as you will 
and he asks " Which has more power, love or fear?"
 my answer to that is Love wins Always 
then he asks "What’s the difference between ‘living’ and ‘existing?’"
my answer is that not a quote from Oscar Wilde? 
he then says"If your life was a novel, what would be the title and how would your story end?
I look blankly at him.
and say is my life going to end then?

 I turn around and look for Toby but he gone and standing in his place is my daughter's godmother Niphai she says you're a lot clever than you think you are, you will work out this puzzle. 
and you will do it in the next 24 hours. 
next to her appears a big clock but instead of 12 hours on it, it has 24 .
I hear a small voice and it's Chrlid another online friend who is a Hufflepuff she says don't worry I can found out anything you need to know.

my gaming partners Tizzy maii dressed as a banana and Dan who for some reason is dressed in a black all in one that has data scrolling around it like in the Matrix both say we here for you too.

I told you this dream was strange 
and then there all this clicking sound and I look around and random faces are on the tv and each click is them liking what is going on. 
Then there a flash of light stood on a Circle of light is my daughter calling me. This is where I wake up to my daughter telling me she needs to go to the toilet.

what does this all this mean? I just don't know
 I don't even know what the puzzle is that I have got to work out and how are my online friends going to help.
I am hoping that something or someone going to show me soon 
until next time live, love, learn and stay safe. 

update ........ 14/04/2017
had this dream over and over since i first posted this back in September in 2016  
I still see all my online friends as it is above but now after the flash on night i am by a very white wall,
I look around and people are set on big red sofas.
and as i walk around trying to find people i may know but all i see are there face are clocks
all pointing to 23 hours to go. I am running around trying to find someone that doesn't have this face then someone grabs my arm. It's  Mini Ladd and his friend  Terroriser
telling me that it's all too late for them pointing to the people with the clock faces come with us we'll help you. we run thoe a door and we stood in a room where all the walls are made of glass and mini say to me you need to do is roll over to go to sleep,
 I say but i'm asleep as I'm dreaming and bam i am wide awake again. 
will update as and when it happens. 

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